Vote NO on Proposition 1
Help defeat the Levy Lid Lift
and stop a major tax increase

The Shoreline City Council, and the staff, want you to vote for a 15% local property tax increase.
They have put this tax increase on the ballot; it is Shoreline Proposition 1.
We don't need it this big.
We don't need it this year.
We should tell them "NO".
And they want more taxes!
The City Council is considering adding even more to our car tab fees.
City staff is also preparing a plan to create a new Business & Occupancy ("B&O") tax.
Apparently, their thirst for new and higher taxes knows no limit.
Help stop spiraling taxes in Shoreline!
Paid for
No on Shoreline Prop 1
16750 3rd Ave. NE, Shoreline, WA 98155
No big money, just your neighbors.